A simple system for allowing someone to notify you without giving out your personal information.
The idea came from Electric Vehicle (EV) charging. Some owners wanted a way to let other EV owners notify them that they needed to use a charging spot, without having to give out personal information like their mobile number.
But of course you may use this service for allowing others to notify you of any event by simply leaving your barcode somewhere for them to scan.
To use this service, simply sign up on the home page and verify your email. Once that is done, login and you'll land on the code generation page.
To generate a new barcode, all you have to do is enter a title which is personal to you to help you remember what you plan to use the code for, and help you figure out which code was scanned when a notification comes through. You can also optionally enter some text that we will place next to the code when you go to print it out, this is to help other people understand what the code is for so we usually suggest something like 'Scan me to ask me to move'.
Once you have filled in both fields click Generate and you will see your new code in the list! Then simply click the print button to open a new window with your code and text ready to print.
We will automatically notify you when someone scans your code and clicks the 'Poke me' button. How we notify you is down to what information you enter on the profile page.
Currently, we support Pushover as the top method of notification. If you do not use pushover we will instead email you.
Soon we also hope to support Twitter DMs, so be sure to fill in your Twitter handle on the profile page and follow us @pokemeuk to automatically enable this when it comes.